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Shipping & Logistics

To manage shipping and logistics,

  1. Click Management
  2. Click Shipping & Logistics. The page Manage Shipping & Logistics will appear as below:image-1654675358386.png

Create New Shipment

  1. Click +
  2. Create Shipment page will appear. Set a new shipment code,Shipment name and Price and click on the box either we want to activate that shipment (Active), Track Shipment or Self-Collection for the new shipment before set it up. Also user need to click shipping zone for that new shipment, based on the courier coverage. Then to proceed, click Submit.image-1654675442926.png

Edit Shipment

  1. From Manage Shipping and Logistics page, Clickimage-1654822632637.png 



  2. Edit Shipment page will appear, Edit the required information needed, then Click Submit.image-1654675400038.png

Delete Shipment

  1. From Manage Shipping and Logistics page, Clickimage-1654822773968.png image-1654675358386.png
  2. Delete confirmation pop up will appear. Click Delete to proceed.
