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To manage User which responsible to operate this system,

  1. Click Management
  2. Click Users. The User Management page will display as below:image-1654674837034.png

Add User

  1. Click +
  2. Add User page will display as below. Fill up the compulsory information (*) which is Name, Email Address and also Password. In case the user is Super Admin, click on Super Admin box. Then click Create User


  3. New User was addedimage-1654820736690.png

Set User Role

  1. To set user role, Click on User Name
  2. The user Profile will display as below:image-1654674984040.png
  3. Click Permission Tab. Click on which task we want to assign to the user based on department/ job scope.image-1654675115316.png

Edit User

  1. To edit user, Click  image-1654821149776.png

  2. Edit either Name or Email Address, then click Update User 


Delete User

  1. To delete user, Clickimage-1654821296009.png
  2. Delete Confirmation pop up will appear, then Click Delete. 
